Presence heals the past
The timeline of Chiron and Saturn
From 2003- 2006, Saturn makes a series of seven oppositions
with the Minor Planet Chiron, across an axis of great interest
in the zodiac. We consider this pattern ...
Saturn lives at the edge of the visible solar system, and until
Uranus was discovered, was thought to be the only planet with
rings. Indeed, Saturn was beloved of the Melancholic temperament,
once cultivated for its depth, poetic inspiration, deliberateness
and sobriety. In stark contrast, today’s Western culture hosts
an ever-increasing percentage of people on medication for depression.
Speed, superficiality and surface values do not give time, indeed
permission, to feel ‘down’. Sadness is not valued as a mellowing
experience, but seen as a problem to be gotten rid of. Saturn
has been outcast. However, he shows up on the world stage as the
weak, corrupt or oppressive authority. He has become the ‘Sick
Old King’ of myth and legend, where the kingdom is failing from
drought, disease and various afflictions because the king is ill,
but unable to die. He awaits the arrival of a redeemer who must
first undergo a series of tests and trials to help him develop
compassion before being ready to take over the kingdom. Only then
can the Sick Old King die. Meanwhile, creatures and humans alike
suffer, facing the temptation of despair.
However, Saturn also carries positive symbolism that is rich
and deep. As Lord of Manifestation, Boundaries, Limitations, and
Time, Saturn’s process confronts us with some of the most difficult,
as well as the most rewarding aspects of being incarnated. The
Saturn process goes slowly, deepens over time, responds to the
seasons and also carries the imprint of all our experience – in
other words the ‘stuff’ of our lives, including where we have
blocked and fearful areas within the soul where hurt is still
unhealed. Saturn’s process is very much about carrying on when
we would rather give up, enduring when we think we can go no further,
and allowing the mortar and pestle experience of daily life to
grind us into matter more refined than the raw enthusiasms of
youth. So in living authentically, meaning close to our truth,
whatever that might be, we develop ‘gravitas’. This in turn is
related to power, authority and responsibility, the lesson of
time, patience and experience. [1]
Saturn in Cancer
Since June 2003, Saturn has been in the sign of Cancer, concerned
with all things lunar, as the Moon rules this sign. Issues about
security, both national and personal, come into focus both as
healthy self-protection needs, in terms of nourishment, contact
and safety, and also as protectionism, where fear closes us in.
Although the ‘surveillance society’ of the UK has been in the
making for a while, awareness of this uncomfortable fact is now
dawning. Everything is somebody else’s business as the village
busy-body of old reincarnates in the probing, all-seeing, all-hearing
detection and recording mechanisms that crane at us from building
corners, banks, light poles, petrol stations, elevators, motorways…
Curiously, at the same time, the media displays images of life’s
most intimate moments exploited to sell products. Now it is not
the exotic that promises fulfilment, but the ordinary, which has
become a rare commodity. The Latin verb ‘ordinare’ means ‘to arrange,
appoint, order or settle’ [2]. I wonder how many people’s lives
feel this way? Time shared with a friend over a cup of tea, or
playing with the cat, reveals the ‘God of Small Things’ [3] who
may whisper tenderly in our ear about the spiritual significance
of the ‘sub lunar realm’ (literally ‘under the Moon’ i.e. our
Earthly existence) have great value. This is the Teaching of the
sign of Cancer.
Chiron in Capricorn
Saturn rules Capricorn, opposite the sign of Cancer, and since
December 11th 2001 the Minor Planet Chiron has been there. Cancer
and Capricorn are sometimes called ‘The Axis of Incarnation’,
and there is a celestial myth that states that they are the entry
and exit portals for souls coming to the Earth plane. It would
seem likely to me that there are more people being born and dying
now than at any other time in recorded history. Chiron’s themes
include the wounding and healing that accompany our journey through
life. Chiron is the shaman of the planetary pantheon, a traveller
between the worlds in a voyage of consciousness and awareness.
Moving through Capricorn the gaping wound is revealed in the leadership
of many nations, countries, tribes, businesses and many other
large organisations. Wounded structures are being revealed and
created everywhere. In time, the destructive force collapses in
on itself, but sometimes not until huge suffering has been unleashed.
All this goes on the in the ‘Body of Mankind’ which we inhabit
[4]. And, most important, Chiron brings healing to the corrupted
Saturn principle, and works for its redemption and renewal. Also,
let us not be deceived by appearances. Behind, below, beneath
….. that is the place to look for signs of renewal, for we best
seek the resurrection, not the tomb.
The Root and the Brow
The Chakras are vortices of energy located along the spine, which
transmit energy through the different levels of our existence,
linking inner and outer and circulating energy rather like the
blood in the physical body. In an ancient tradition linking the
zodiac with the major Chakras, the signs traversed by Chiron and
Saturn during 2003-2006 relate to the root and brow Chakras respectively
Thus our most refined, highest and most focused personal consciousness
at the brow is brought together with the densest and most powerful
of the lower chakra energies, at the root. Now tribal issues greet
us anew, with identifications we didn’t even know we held. We
might feel territorial, prejudiced, separatist, threatened, paranoid,
unsure, grabbing, deeply anxious and also ashamed of these feelings.
For this is a powerful purification, an exchange between the ‘above’
and the ‘below’ in the ‘Body of Mankind’ that occurs over these
3 years. Gently acknowledging these feelings may help us not act
on them inappropriately, causing suffering for others and ourselves.
Insight can also help us not judge ourselves and others. As the
old structures crumble, we are invited to configure anew the powerful
energies of positive Saturn: discipline, focus, persistence, loyalty,
dedication and humility. We are resubstantiating our deepest truths,
dreams and knowing. This takes time, trust and careful ‘midwifery’
of the spirit, for a new-born individual structure is being prepared,
a home for our truest sense of self.
Chiron and Saturn weave in and out of contact as shown in the
diagram below: [6]
Further, you can see in the table below the dates on which the
exact oppositions occur, shown above as the lines crossing. Where
the lines bend around, the planet depicted is changing direction,
from Retrograde to Direct, or vice versa. As the two are working
together, there is a rhythmic oscillation between root and brow,
between foundation and future, between public and private, between
group and individual.
R = planet moving Retrograde, or appearing to go backwards
D = planet in Direct motion, going forwards
Cp = Capricorn
Cn = Cancer
All times quoted in 24-hour clock, GMT.
Saturn enters Cancer |
4 Jun 2003 |
01:27 |
Chiron D |
18 Sep 2003 |
05:34 |
12°Cp22' |
Saturn Opposite Chiron |
25 Sep 2003 |
18:49 |
12°Cn24' D |
12°Cp24' D ROOT |
Saturn Opposite Chiron |
24 Oct 2003 |
15:49 |
13°Cn14' D |
13°Cp14' D SACRAL |
Saturn R |
25 Oct 2003 |
23:43 |
13°Cn14' R |
Saturn D |
7 Mar 2004 |
16:52 |
06°Cn17' D |
Chiron R |
2 May 2004 |
05:13 |
26°Cp08' R |
Saturn Opposite Chiron |
15 Aug 2004 |
08:45 |
21°Cn34' D |
21°Cp34' R S. PLEXUS |
Chiron D |
26 Sep 2004 |
17:22 |
20°Cp30' D |
Saturn R |
8 Nov 2004 |
06:55 |
27°Cn21' R |
Saturn Opposite Chiron |
28 Dec 2004 |
05:28 |
25°Cn13' R |
25°Cp13' HEART |
Chiron enters Aquarius |
21 Feb 2005 |
17:35 |
Saturn D |
22 Mar 2005 |
02:54 |
20°Cn24' D |
Chiron R |
9 May 2005 |
01:49 |
03°Aq17' R |
Saturn enters Leo |
16 Jul 2005 |
12:30 |
Saturn Opposite Chiron |
21 Jul 2005 |
08:11 |
00°Le37' D |
00°Aq37' THROAT |
Chiron re-enters Capricorn |
1 Aug 2005 |
03:45 |
Chiron D |
5 Oct 2005 |
05:32 |
27°Cp48' D |
Saturn R |
22 Nov 2005 |
09:01 |
11°Le19' R |
Chiron re-enters Aquarius |
6 Dec 2005 |
01:02 |
Saturn Opposite Chiron |
20 Feb 2006 |
05:01 |
06°Le03' R |
06°Aq03' D BROW |
Saturn D |
5 Apr 2006 |
12:55 |
04°Le23' D |
Chiron R |
15 May 2006 |
08:38 |
09°Aq46' R |
Saturn Opposite Chiron |
20 Jun 2006 |
18:19 |
09°Le02' D |
09°Aq02' R CROWN |
The Healing Sequence
Additionally, as there are 7 exact oppositions, we may imagine
this energy resonating with the major chakras, rising from root
to crown. The most recent activation was of the Solar Plexus area,
on August 15th. Look back in your dream book or journal to see
what healing was occurring at this time. You may find a process
of empowerment, clearing out old conflicts. You may also find
uncomfortable revelations of misused will and power struggles,
for it is in the ‘school’ of the Solar Plexus that we learn to
deal with these energies, which are seeking purification by being
linked to the heart, the first chakra above the waist. Chiron
was a centaur in the Greek myths, his lower half being that of
a horse. He was, though, a wise being and the healing he brings
is through accepting our ‘animal’ half, and thus releasing it’s
negative grip on our consciousness as well as honouring its wisdom.
The split is healed.
The next activation
On December 26th 2004 the Moon at 16.06 GMT is near her annual
close approach [6] to the Earth, so the Full Moon in Cancer will
be exceptionally bright and drawing powerfully the waters of our
emotional energy. The Chiron/Saturn opposition lines up for the
4th time 2 days later, resonating with the heart chakra. This
chakra is central, balancing the 3 above and the 3 below; it encompasses
and thus purifies the energies below, allowing their strength
and rootedness to support the flowering above. Here we anchor
self-love and acceptance, and open to a deeper and more detached
kind of loving, which recognises and honours difference, seeking
co-operation and harmony. The element of air is traditionally
associated with the heart chakra, and concerns itself with communication,
ideas and dialogue. The inspirational energies of Jupiter and
Neptune are located at this time in the airy signs of Libra and
Aquarius [7]. Heart feeling is not ‘sticky’ and possessive, but
spacious, tender and sensitive. When our ideas become bogged down
with false beliefs, the heart is closed. This activation is an
opportunity to sit quietly and observe the edifices of false thinking
fall, leaving a welcome sense of more space, more lightness, and
more freedom of spirit as the heart takes wings.
And onwards ……
This sequence invites us to simply be aware of its unfolding
through time. There is nothing we need do except perhaps configure
circumstances which help us to sustain focused awareness, and
allow time for reflection. Chiron will move into Aquarius and
Saturn into Leo (see table for dates) for the final 3 activations,
including the 7th chakra on June 20th 2006. This concerns perceptions
of Higher Purpose, the Plan of Destiny, and deep insights into
the perfection of things as they are in our life. From this deep
acceptance, new action becomes possible. This chakra receives
the ‘downloads’ from higher dimensions, and thus begins the process
of energy filtering down into manifestation as the seed ideas
of new forms are sown. First Capricorn and Cancer brought water
and earth, now quickened by the air and fire of Aquarius and Leo.
So be ready for creative ideas, new insights and understanding,
and a wider view. Meanwhile we follow the purifying and opening
which will weave through the months, like the two snakes of the
healing wand, the Caduceus.
This image portrais the motion of Saturn and Chiron relative
to the Earth, over a period of 40 years starting from June 2003.
It was created using the ACS software "Astrological Mandalas"
available from Roy Gillett at "Crucial Astro Tools"
Tel. 01276 683 898 or email
1. See 'Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs' by
Melanie Reinhart (CPA Press 2002) for fuller discussion of Saturn's
many themes.
2. Cassell's Compact Latin Dictionary, London, 1963, p.156.
3. The title of a book by Arundhati Roy published by Flamingo
Press in 1997.
4. The notion of the 'Body of Mankind' is found in various mystical
traditions: as Adam Kadmon in the Kabbalah, and as a parallel
to the 'Body of Christ' in Christianity.
Q = quarter. E.g. Q1 = beginning of January - end of March. Diagram
computed with Solar Fire V5.
6. Apogee at 17.00hr GMT 27.12.2004.
7. Thanks to Laura Boomer for editorial help and for reminding
me of this trine.
All website contents copyright © Melanie Reinhart 1989-2024 [except where alternative attribution is noted]. All rights reserved.